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Gullivers Ground Statement

(December 06, 2018)

Sidley United are appealing to other clubs in the local area for help in our aims to bring our old Gullivers ground back into use for the community.

The developers' application to build affordable housing has been turned down but they are appealing this decision. In order to support the council's plans to buy back the land and use it as a hub for local sport we need as many voices as possible to object to the development.

In the last poll ran, the local community voted overwhelmingly to bring football back to Gullivers. To make this happen we are asking local clubs to lend their support to us courtesy of a council form which supports their plans.

This has to be completed by the end of tomorrow. We appreciate the short turn around time but it only takes a few minutes to help potentially save a valuable space for football in these times where grassroots is continually struggling.

Please get in touch with us via the club website or on Twitter urgently if you are willing to support us. Sidley United Football Club, Rother District Council and all those campaigning to bring Gullivers back into community use greatly appreciate all support.

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